Word Wednesday! It is my goal to share something that God is teaching me, through His Word, each Wednesday. I would like your feedback. Hearing from you helps me to grow and see the world from a new and different perspective. Growing is sometimes painful, but so worth it!
We have lived in our little southwest Missouri town for almost seven months. In this short time, we have been mistreated by one of our neighbors multiple times. I have cried and I have felt unsafe. I have prayed for faithful husband, as adreniline and anxiety raced through him, as he struggled with Mr. and Mrs. Difficult Neighbor. We have learned that these particular neighbors have caused trouble for many others as well. It is sad...sad that their life story has led them to such bitterness. It seems that they are so miserable, that they want to share their misery with those around them.
No one in the neighborhood likes Mr. and Mrs. Difficult Neighbor. I don't want to be like everyone else. I want to be different.
Multiple times, in God's Word, I read to love my neighbor as myself. (Leviticus, Matthew, Luke, Romans, Galatians, James)
I long to dwell with the Lord and He wants me to be kind, not do evil, to my neighbor. (Psalm 15)
According to Romans 13, the only thing I am to owe anyone...is love.
My reaction...my response...is to love them. It isn't about who they are or how they act.
We may never have a relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Difficult Neighbor. Maybe we will. Only God knows what is in store. What I do know, is that I will pray for them, I will smile at them, and as God leads me... I will do random acts of kindness. Their issues aren't really with the Sheafer family anyway...their issues are much deeper and only God can heal them. He might choose to use us in that process and that would be an honor.
Do you have a difficult neighbor? Maybe your neighbor doesn't even live on your street or in your town, but they are difficult still. I challenge you to pray for them. Let me know how it goes.
When we went through this long ago, God impressed on my heat to leave small gifts of love on their door. May flowers, candy, cookies, etc. They knew they came from us, but nothing was ever said between us. I did eventually feel less "difficulty" between us, but a friendship - never. It sounds like God has your attention and your heart in this matter. Just keep listening to him. Others will be watching as well. :0)
I am excited about your post. My heart concurs with yours on this issue. Go, Jen! Redeem the time! God be with you!
-Rhonda Sue
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