2. daily, new mercies
3. sunshine
4. singing birds
5. air conditioning
6. green trees
7. faithful husband, aka my best friend
8. adoring children, even when I don't deserve it
9. freezer full of meat for my meat loving family
10. forever friends
11. wisdom from my mama
12. hazelnut creamer
13. great coffee mugs
14. early mornings at the YMCA with faithful husband
15. late nights on the deck with faithful husband
16. walks in the creek
17. growth, wisdom, and playfulness of oldest child
18. homemade curtains
19. bird feeders
20. slinky
21. farmer's market
22. 1,000 Loves Journal
23. cool breeze
24. butterflies
25. freedom
26. dancing
27. full moon
28. strawberry and lemon water
29. giggles
30. the tears of a tender heart
31. balance
32. remembering
33. no more Margo
34. SheaCrew kiddos cuddled in blankets with books
35. Garmina taking me on a geocache adventure
36. bridges
37. old barns
38. oxeye daisy
39. narrations
40. little children quotes (canoodle, alligator juice...)
41. end of day closure
42. new windows
43. hummingbird feeder
44. enamel dishes
45. ears that hear
46. bathtub
47. hugs
48. faithful husband wisdom, even when it is hard to hear
49. hand-me-down sofa from Fischy family
50. Ozarks
51. running
52. candles
53. fresh sheets
54. fire-pit, s'mores, roasted hot dogs
55. fire-pit, hot cocoa, scarves, blankets
56. jeans and hoodies
57. disc golf = hope
58. inspiring and motivating music
59. date night
60. visits from family and friends
61. lessons learned
62. progress, not perfection
63. hellos from heaven
64. wet-erase markers and my fridge
65. seasons; weather and life
66. my nephew given name; Aunt Jenny
67. smiles between SheaCrew kiddos
68. long walks around town
69. deck furniture...my deck!
70. relationship, not religion
71. van windows down and breeze blowing my hair
72. .49 ice cream cones at McDonalds
73. skype
74. Greenleaf Music and Arts Academy
75. Faithful Husband giggles
76. vibram five fingers
77. the smell of freshly baled straw
78. fresh laundry air filling the house and pouring out the vent to the backyard
79. tadpoles
80. antiques
81. grassy hill
82. willing helpers
83. morning runs with Faithful Husband
84. generous, kind-hearted mama
85. lima bean plants grown by curious kiddos
86. patience of Faithful Husband
87. visits from Olathe friends
88. Starbucks chit-chat
89. girlfriend hugs
90. nephew with a mohawk
91. all nephews
92. sweet niece
93. love of my siblings
94. heart talks, even the hard ones
95. school curriculum
96. the sound of moving water
97. mornings...new days
98. "What's up babe?" says Faithful Husband
99. chocolate
100. Bubba the parakeet's singing
101. books
102. freshly brushed teeth
103. Mr. House Wren singing to me
104. peach-raspberry sun tea
105. sun tea jars
106. old jars
107. fresh berries, hand-picked
108. sunflowers
109. happy facebook posts of oldest child
110. family photos
111. big trees
112. paid bills
113. Birds of Missouri field guide
114. garage sales
115. smiles of young disc golfer
116. sharing heart of young disc golfer
117. "Mornin' babe" says Faithful Husband
118. willing, generous heart of littles
119. amazing love of middle man
120. today
121. 'counting fish - the net didn't break'
122. memories
123. mistakes turned into blessings
124. continued learning and growth
125. difficult times that give me opportunity to grow
126. limitations that give me opportunity to improve
127. challenges that build strength and character
128. old poetry books that remind me of truth
129. faithful husband's way of discerning my feelings and caring for them
130. HCM, BT, TAs, YKT
131. goodnight kisses from faithful husband
132. goodnight hugs from children
133. hello hug from oldest child
134. pink, fluffy robe
135. giddiness over faithful husband...after 15 years of marriage
136. lyrics that move my heart
137. music that moves my feet
138. my laptop
139. naptime
140. a shower to refresh during the summer heat
141. creativity
142. bookshelves full of great books
143. guest bedroom, open basement, willing friends and oldest son, THANK YOU!
144. blinds to keep my home cool from the heat of the sun's rays
145. borrowed car, THANK YOU!
146. elastic hair bands
147. date night adventures with faithful husband
148. God's faithfulness in the midst of my faithlessness
149. styrofoam cups
150. disc golf t-shirts...FREE for me!
151. swimming holes
152. memorable quotes from goofy movies
153. hand-me-downs
154. Garmina leading me where I need to go, she is so helpful
155. water to drink
156. cloudy skies before a storm
157. morning chore time
158. clinking of spoons on cereal bowls as kiddos enjoy breaky
159. The United States of America
160. SheaCrew kiddos enjoying firecrackers while Mom sits far away
161. a smile shared with faithful husband
162. amazing kindness of Mr. Next-door Neighbor
163. aroma of the lily from Mr. and Mrs. Down-the-Street Neighbors
164. healing in relationships...forgiveness, joy, tears that only God can give
165. coincidence aka that is so God
166. toads and lizards
167. fresh tomatoes
168. earrings
169. cell phone
170. outdoor hour challenge
171. journals
172. contracts
173. family photos
174. phone calls from oldest child
175. giggles shared with my children
176. comradeship with my children
177. Faithful Husband's work helpers
178. bedside fan
179. a smile into the mirror...at self
180. heart sharing
181. faithful friends
182. praying people
183. followers of Jesus
184. personal prayer time
185. God's Word...a lamp to my feet, hope to my heart, encouragement when I'm weak
186. peanut butter...on toast, on fudgesicles, on ice cream...PEANUT BUTTER!
187. nutrition labels
188. bug spray
189. Arbonne primer...love what it does for my face
190. freckles
191. Faithful Husband taking me to "time-out" and talking me through my struggles
192. generous heart of Faithful Husband
193. photos of my mama
194. Caden giggles
195. meat and cheese with mayo
196. tears of brokenness and lessons learned
197. cousins
198. the twinkle of Christmas lights
199. the mess, and the clean up, of holiday fun
200. Marlou and Talouse
201. yellow-bellied sapsucker and all of the other birds that visit my yard each day
202. road-side birding
203. undeserved love
204. Derek and his giggles
205. new TV
206. growing movie collection
207. new fire-pit....thanks kind neighbors!
208. butterflies
209. slippers
210. pink robe...brown robe
211. homemade laundry soap
212. new friends
213. knitting: will I ever really be a knitter?
214. snow covered hill
215. sleds
216. Mr. Cardinal sitting in the evergreen tree
217. Uncle Denny and Aunt Marie, home from Africa
218. the quiet beauty of a snowy day
219. grocery bag covered feet
220. cell phones
221. woodpeckers
222. stove-top simmering potpourri...homemade
223. homemade fabric softener
224. children's art decorating my home
225. from the heart cards from my children...I am amazingly blessed to be a mama
226. the curly waggle of my boys...Marlou and Toulouse
227. puppies...will I be getting one soon?
228. Ina Garten - Barefoot Contessa; I learn a lot from her
229. Happy Home Helper Notebook; have I finally created the perfect notebook for me!?
230. salt and pepper shakers
231. old stuff kitchen decor
232. trees dressed in their best winter outfit...snow
233. memories of Grandma Pennel; I miss her
234. plants that clean the air of my home and add life and beauty
235. xbox and netflix...put them together and you have school movies!
236. naptime; have I already said that?
237. homemade suet
238. God's continual provision
239. I am so thankful for the days when my heart realizes the truth of HOPE, life really is good...amazing!
240. camera, binoculars, digiscoping
241. freecycle dryer
242. garage...that I get to park in!
243. garage door opener
244. daily diligence of Faithful Husband
245. alarm clock
246. clean socks
247. the bible and my freedom to read it whenever I want
248. Colossians
249. Psalm 18
250. Righteousness
251. group time with SheaCrew kiddos
252. FREE to be me!
253. joyful heart of oldest child
254. Shining Through My Own Skin
255. screech of red-shouldered hawk in my yard
256. Stella, MO - Where the Eagles Soar
257. the quietness of SheaCrew kiddos with noses in books
258. core Four, Florida vacation
259. God-ward time
260. palm trees
261. Hello from Heaven in the friendship with ducks
262. taxi ride
263. white ibis
263. 4-seater surrey
264. naked trees
265. CNA skills of oldest child and his care for Grammie and Grampie
266. warm winter days
267. Abundant Life Assembly
268. Sunny Day Songs CD
269. Marlee
270. new experiences
271. sweet texts from Faithful Husband
272. tender lovin' of youngest son
273. "top parts" ~ Hunter's way of saying pop-tarts

275. the shout of "Aunt Jenny" as sweet niece and nephews see me drive up the driveway
276. new shoestrings
277. forever gone...not just lost, excess pounds
278. water drops all over the bathroom mirror; a sign of life
279. sharpie markers
280. repurposed pallets
281. deck cabana
282. Faithful Husband built deck bar
283. Hershey's chocolate bar, 7oz of wonderful
284. bathroom worship
285. bathroom music player
286. smashing 2012
287. goals
288. owl magnet board
289. living room dance freedom
290. CCM
291. Redeemer, My Healer, Lord Almighty, My Savior
292. "What's my chore, mom?"
293. blessings of homeschool
294. amazing insight of daughter A: 'laughing eyes'
295. camera...pictures!
296. facebook updates
297. braided rugs
298. outhouse bathroom: hey....it works.
299. beams of sunlight pouring into my home
300. emotions that come and go like a cloud; sometimes soft and puffy, sometimes dark and fierce
301. hugs from second son
302. beautiful blue blur of bluebirds flying
303. wind blowing tall grasses
304. family and friend photos on side of fridge
305. animal hat on daughter A
306. fresh brewed tea
307. cows resting in fields
308. cows standing in the pond: we all like refreshment!
309. scenic backroads
310. giant peppermint sticks and sticky fingers
311. soft kleenexes
312. new starts from houseplants
313. 50% off at Hobby Lobby
314. anxiousdog
315. free magazines
316. new recipes
317. gravel parking lot, surrounded by trees, the perfect place to dance!
318. the journey of daughter B
319. mouth-covered giggles of middle man
320. clanking of dishes becoming clean in bubbly water
321. firewood and backyard firepit
322. warm and comfy robe
323. positive and encouraging: klove
324. dancing daughter A while doing dishes
325. never ending grace...learning to live in it more and more
326. pen and paper
327. coffee mug that I use everyday, from DaVonne...love this mug
328. bird feeders swaying the warm breeze of a January day
329. mulititude of red: so many cardinals in my trees
330. straw bale for second son (bow and arrow shooting practice)
331. to-go coffee cups
332. frisbee stuck in tree...evidence of playing kiddos
333. sleepy, restful weekend
334. Made to Crave smashbook page
335. faithful husband at work, God bless his skills and the work of his hands.
336. Faithful husband chats with SheaCrew kiddos
337. football flying through the air; SheaCrew kiddos playing catch
338. dirty barefeet; such freedom in the bare
339. wireless printer
340. TV school; love the HDMI cord and my laptop
341. pink edges on puffy white clouds
342. glossy green leaves of the magnolia tree
343. looking forward
344. delivering lunch to Faithful Husband
345. 200 geocache found
346. light dinner and adoring company of Shea Crew kiddos
347. crunchy leaves underfoot
348. homemade cards from sweet kids
349. doodly notes from friends in the mail
350. wood and nails created into a smiling woodman
351. Tyler's Carpet
352. saved faxes from Faithful Husband...the beginning of our love
353. HOPE; God in me
354. my last moments with Grandma Pennel
355. black, fuzzy blanket
356. cyst on foot...it is gone!
357. obedience of Marlee
358. SheaCrew kiddos piled on the bed with giggles
359. middle man and youngest son bunking together
360. daughter B, my kitchen cleaning girl...she doesn't want it twice
361. the connections made via disc golf and JDGC
362. stocked pantry
363. clanking chains in the basement; second son always wished for a basket in the basement
364. "What are you all up to?" phone calls from oldest son...he misses his family...we miss him
365. on time bedtime
366. birthdays and the giddyness of looking forward
367. whimsy; every room in the house needs some
368. empty laundry baskets
369. reflecting
370. suet blocks and woodpeckers
371. unexpected newspaper in the driveway
372. living room RED walls
373. chewed, ripped, destroyed dog toys
374. middle man fixed my stapler
375. Faithful Husband's dress coat
376. wedding/mother's ring
377. Ol' Blue - my 'Father's Day' van
378. daily duties: accomplished
379. well stocked bath towel shelf
380. family math time
381. food scales
382. new glasses for drinking my water
383. cupboard cooking - eating what we have and thankful for it
384. I love you emails from my mama
385. hummingbird migration maps
386. unexpected gifts from Faithful Husband
387. smaller bed!
388. bird feeders outside my window
389. lessons learned from teenager wisdom
390. bacon
391. leftovers
392. ActivTrax
393. 13 in 2013
394. clean towels
395. re-reading this list
396. The Canopy
397. red suburban
398. Silver Dollar City season passes
399. JOY Group and character growth
400. HOPE Kitchen
401. Hillball - the creation of Faithful Husband
402. I'm a granny - The Granny to my amazing grandbabies
403. teenage drivers
404. phone call from middle son about his fun day
405. backyard pond
406. toads and tadpoles
407. waking up with breath in my lungs every, single, day
408. doTERRA and essential oils
409. natural wellness
410. MLM, network marketing, being my own boss
411. surprise visits from my mama (and Aunt Deb, Uncle Dave, Aunt C)
412. my little brother - his large family, their new home
413. Sage
414. newly hatched ducklings
415. duck yard and my star gate
416. cast iron dutch oven, skillets, griddles
417. flintknapping

419. Come Away My Beloved...and Rest - my favorite devotional ever
420. fasting
421. One Anothers - One Another Groups
422. sounds of nature; raindrops, frogs, birds, breeze
423. bench swing
424. lawn furniture
425. loveseat in my room

428. Oldest Son lives close
429. he is a good daddy to Ahava - his smile when he looks at her melts my heart
430. Second Son is a daddy - his Bentley looks just like him
431. First dauther-in-law - she is faithful and loves Jesus
432. daughters growing - becoming women - stretching me - loving me unconditionally
433. Youngest Son cares for elderly neighbors - a servant to all
434. 8am prayer and devotional time
435. hardworking guys - God bless their coming and going
436. sushi
437. motorcycle
438. tubes, float trips
439. encouragement to NOT be sin focused -
440. because God sees me as powerful, beautiful, amazing, and He is excited to watch me grow
441. 20 seconds...no fear...step into courage
442. periscope - and leaders who share
443. leaders who love Jesus
444. naps with grandgirl
445. face-smash snuggles of grandboy
446. bobbypins
447. rope shoes
448. white pickup truck
449. THM - God help
450. essential oils for cramps, for emotions, for pain, for headache, for....whatever and everything
451. Grammie - she is with Jesus now and I miss her - love her so
452. faith, belief, hope
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