Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Word Wednesday - Prayer

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:26-28

Ahhhhh, so grateful for the Spirit. When I don't know for what to pray, He teaches me. He silences my fears and helps me to overcome discouragements. When I can't pray, He does.

This morning I had such a great prayer time. It was so spontaneous and beautiful. I was filled with hope and joy in my intercession for others. God was truly with me and He knew just what I was to pray for. He used me for something great, and blessed me, when I wasn't expecting it. That is grace, isn't it?

God is full of grace for you and your prayer life. Jump in. Say "hey" to Him and see what happens.

If you need prayer, let me know. I will put you on sticky notes throughout my house so that I will remember to pray.

Monday, June 28, 2010

1,000 Gifts

I decided that I want all of my 1,000 gifts in one list. You can read my list on the 1,000 Gifts page of this blog. Today I added numbers 157 - 180.

I've been a bit obsessed with my blogs the past few days. I really enjoy letting the world, or the few that decide to read, know about my life. So check out my personal website, my nature blog, and scroll down this page to my links...check them out. God's Pharmacy is AMAZING...definitely worth a visit.

Have a great day...a great week!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

50 First Children

Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories. ~John Wilmot

Isn't that the truth!?!? I really thought I knew it all about how to raise children. After 19 years of parenting, raising one teenager, and enjoying the midst of two more teenagers and three tweens... I realize, I KNOW NOTHING! Each child is different and each stage is different, boys are different from girls, and so...as each one of my kiddos enters a new phase of life, I feel like I am starting all over again. 50 First Children (instead of 50 First Dates) would make for an interesting movie!

My children are full of life. They make me laugh like no one else. They love me all the time. They can put me in my place...respectfully, and it is a great life lesson everytime it happens. The sound of many children is better than silence...most of the time.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fervor Friday - Sunshiny

Fervor Friday is a day to share a poem, prose, phrase, or quote. I love old poetry books and I am currently reading through three! The following is taken from Leaves of Gold, An Anthology of Prayers, Memorable Phrases, Inspirational Verse & Prose, Edited by Clyde Francis Lytle (copyright 1948)

I dedicate this to my friend, Rhonda Ledbetter, who tells me, I need a bit of her sunshine when I am having a bad day.

Sunshiny - Have you ever had your day suddenly turn sunshiny because of a cheerful word? Have you ever wondered if this could be the same world, because someone had been unexpectedly kind to you? You can make today the same for somebody. It is only a question of a little imagination, a little time and trouble. Think now, "What can I do today to make someone happy?" --- old persons, children, servants ~ even a bone for the dog, or sugar for the bird! Why not?

~ Babcock

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just Be

The following is taken from my 2008 journal:

Jen, learn to love and accept YOU, and your relationships will grow. Don't focus on your negatives, but on your positives. When you focus on the negative, life follows. Don't try to DO for the Lord. He loves and accepts you NOW, today, no matter what you DO or DON'T DO --- Just BE with Him.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Word Wednesday - Love Your Neighbor

Word Wednesday! It is my goal to share something that God is teaching me, through His Word, each Wednesday. I would like your feedback. Hearing from you helps me to grow and see the world from a new and different perspective. Growing is sometimes painful, but so worth it!

We have lived in our little southwest Missouri town for almost seven months. In this short time, we have been mistreated by one of our neighbors multiple times. I have cried and I have felt unsafe. I have prayed for faithful husband, as adreniline and anxiety raced through him, as he struggled with Mr. and Mrs. Difficult Neighbor. We have learned that these particular neighbors have caused trouble for many others as well. It is sad...sad that their life story has led them to such bitterness. It seems that they are so miserable, that they want to share their misery with those around them.

No one in the neighborhood likes Mr. and Mrs. Difficult Neighbor. I don't want to be like everyone else. I want to be different.

Multiple times, in God's Word, I read to love my neighbor as myself. (Leviticus, Matthew, Luke, Romans, Galatians, James)

I long to dwell with the Lord and He wants me to be kind, not do evil, to my neighbor. (Psalm 15)

According to Romans 13, the only thing I am to owe anyone...is love.

My reaction...my response...is to love them. It isn't about who they are or how they act.

We may never have a relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Difficult Neighbor. Maybe we will. Only God knows what is in store. What I do know, is that I will pray for them, I will smile at them, and as God leads me... I will do random acts of kindness. Their issues aren't really with the Sheafer family anyway...their issues are much deeper and only God can heal them. He might choose to use us in that process and that would be an honor.

Do you have a difficult neighbor? Maybe your neighbor doesn't even live on your street or in your town, but they are difficult still. I challenge you to pray for them. Let me know how it goes.

Monday, June 21, 2010

1,000 Gifts continued

holy experience

123. mistakes turned into blessings
124. continued learning and growth
125. difficult times that give me opportunity to grow
126. limitations that give me opportunity to improve
127. challenges that build strength and character
128. old poetry books that remind me of truth
129. faithful husband's way of discerning my feelings and caring for them
130. HCM, BT, TAs, YKT
131. goodnight kisses from faithful husband
132. goodnight hugs from children
133. hello hug from oldest child
134. pink, fluffy robe
135. giddiness over faithful husband...after 15 years of marriage
136. lyrics that move my heart
137. music that moves my feet
138. my laptop
139. naptime
140. a shower to refresh during the summer heat
141. creativity
142. bookshelves full of great books
143. guest bedroom, open basement, willing friends and oldest son, THANK YOU!
144. blinds to keep my home cool from the heat of the sun's rays
145. borrowed car, THANK YOU!
146. elastic hair bands
147. date night adventures with faithful husband
148. God's faithfulness in the midst of my faithlessness
149. styrofoam cups
150. disc golf t-shirts...FREE for me!
151. swimming holes
152. memorable quotes from goofy movies
153. hand-me-downs
154. Garmina leading me where I need to go, she is so helpful
155. water to drink
156. cloudy skies before a storm

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Joy in Judgement

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority (and doesn't wear a seatbelt) has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will incur judgement (receives a ticket) upon themselves. Romans 13: 1 & 2 with Jen Paraphrase

Hmmmmm. Resist authority = judgement, thus Jen rejoices and shares joy!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

1,000 Gifts

holy experience

101. books
102. freshly brushed teeth
103. Mr. House Wren singing to me
104. peach-raspberry sun tea
105. sun tea jars
106. old jars
107. fresh berries, hand-picked
108. sunflowers
109. happy facebook posts of oldest child
110. family photos
111. big trees
112. paid bills
113. Birds of Missouri field guide
114. garage sales
115. smiles of young disc golfer
116. sharing heart of young disc golfer
117. "Mornin' babe" says Faithful Husband
118. willing, generous heart of littles
119. amazing love of middle man
120. today
121. 'counting fish - the net didn't break'
122. memories

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Deck Contentment

Welcome to my deck. Please, come and have a sit with me. We can chat, we can sip, we can laugh, we can watch the birds, we can listen. Old things, new blooms, song birds, puffy clouds...a gift. My deck is joy to me, a reminder of the love that is abundant for me, and a place where contentment is easy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

more 1,000 Gifts

81. grassy hill
82. willing helpers
83. morning runs with Faithful Husband
84. generous, kind-hearted mama
85. lima bean plants grown by curious kiddos
86. patience of Faithful Husband
87. visits from Olathe friends
88. Starbucks chit-chat
89. girlfriend hugs
90. nephew with a mohawk
91. all nephews
92. sweet niece
93. love of my siblings
94. heart talks, even the hard ones
95. school curriculum
96. the sound of moving water
97. mornings...new days
98. "What's up babe?" says Faithful Husband
99. chocolate
100. Bubba the parakeet's singing

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. John 15:5

A precious young lady read this verse last night. I immediately questioned myself, "What fruit do I produce?"

I grew up in an environment that taught me about the laws, the rules, of being a Christian...of what a Christian looks like. In recent years, I have learned that Christians, those who love God and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, look very different one from another.

God doesn't have expectations of me, He has expectancy for me. He loves me, even when the fruit I produce looks more like a tomato than an apple.

There are many fruits in the produce section that we don't consider a fruit. An olive is a fruit! Sometimes the fruit we, as Christians, produce is more savory than sweet. It is still a fruit.

"An ugly fruit is sweet and unique, but at first glance tells you nothing about what is in store." Fruit...ugly...still a fruit.

As I pondered the fruit I produce in my life, I realized that much of it is uncommon and may not be considered 'fruit' by those looking in. I'm so glad that God sees my heart and that my life is, indeed, fruity.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

1,000 Gifts (continued)

71. van windows down and breeze blowing my hair
72. .49 ice cream cones at McDonalds
73. skype
74. Greenleaf Music & Arts Academy
75. Faithful Husband giggles
76. vibram five fingers
77. the smell of freshly baled straw
78. fresh laundry air filling the house and pouring out the vent to the backyard
79. tadpoles
80. antiques

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Is there room to grow deeper in love with your spouse? I am grateful for the encouragement I receive from aholyexperience. From her, I am learning to love in a fresh, new way...in a way that my husband is worthy of.

'It only takes four minutes a day to move into a deeper heart place...to connect in soul intimacy; to breathe in oxygen for the other half of my heart. Don't, and I begin to suffocate, the death heave. I wish someone had told me in the beginning.

Four times a day, think on love. When I leave the marriage bed, leave the front door, when I return to the front door, and when I return to the marriage bed. These times are critical. Touch or whisper a sweet something when passing through these gateways and we walk into hours of closeness. Forever love fixates like fresh love.

Four times a day, wrap up in husband. Embrace fully and hold each other's eyes. That's all. Repeat four times daily. The one flesh breathes best when skin pores are close; connected.

Four times during the day, thank him...for working faithfully to provide, for the things he does for you, for making the heart skip a beat. Look for ways to thank him! '

I recently started a 1,000 Loves journal. This journal is simply that: 1,000 things I am thankful for...that I love about my man. Sometimes life gets chaotic and I begin to focus on untruths and I forget all the amazing, wonderful things about him. This morning when I woke up, ready for my morning cup of coffee, I had a new 'love' for my journal. I am thankful that he wakes up early and makes coffee...what a blessed girl I am to wake up to that aroma and a ready cup.

Four Fixations... Four Embraces... Four Affirmations... what an adventure!

What about you? What 'loves' are there in your heart today, regarding your man?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1,000 Gifts

Reading A Holy Experience is changing me. Today I begin my list of blessings...those many things I am thankful for and that I want to capture in my heart instead of take for granted.

1. grace sufficient
2. daily, new mercies
3. sunshine
4. singing birds
5. air conditioning
6. green trees
7. faithful husband, aka my best friend
8. adoring children, even when I don't deserve it
9. freezer full of meat for my meat loving family
10. forever friends
11. wisdom from my mama
12. hazelnut creamer
13. great coffee mugs
14. early mornings at the YMCA with faithful husband
15. late nights on the deck with faithful husband
16. walks in the creek
17. growth, wisdom, and playfulness of oldest child
18. homemade curtains
19. bird feeders
20. slinky
21. farmer's market
22. 1,000 Loves Journal
23. cool breeze
24. butterflies
25. freedom
26. dancing
27. full moon
28. strawberry and lemon water
29. giggles
30. the tears of a tender heart
31. balance
32. remembering
33. no more Margo
34. SheaCrew kiddos cuddled in blankets with books
35. Garmina taking me on a geocache adventure
36. bridges
37. old barns
38. oxeye daisy
39. narrations
40. little children quotes (canoodle, alligator juice...)
41. end of day closure
42. new windows
43. hummingbird feeder
44. enamel dishes
45. ears that hear
46. bathtub
47. hugs
48. faithful husband wisdom, even when it is hard to hear
49. hand-me-down sofa from Fischy family
50. Ozarks
51. running
52. candles
53. fresh sheets
54. fire-pit, s'mores, roasted hot dogs
55. fire-pit, hot cocoa, scarves, blankets
56. jeans and hoodies
57. disc golf = hope
58. inspiring and motivating music
59. date night
60. visits from family and friends
61. lessons learned
62. progress, not perfection
63. hellos from heaven
64. wet-erase markers and my fridge
65. seasons; weather and life
66. my nephew given name; Aunt Jenny
67. smiles between SheaCrew kiddos
68. long walks around town
69. deck furniture...my deck!
70. relationship, not religion