My tattoo |
July 4, lovin' the corn |
A look ahead; Smashing 2012. I'm going to work on my new journal, Smashing 2012, throughout the year. I hope to journal the progress of my goals and other memorable happenings. What are my goals, you ask? Here they are: *Make blankets for niece and nephews for their birthdays. *Run four 5Ks. *Update my blogs 2x a month. *Spend more one-on-one time with my kids. *Consistently add to 1,000 Loves list. *Consistently add to 1,000 Gifts list. *Daily hubby love. *Prepare and follow through gardening tomatoes and cucumbers. *Take kids bowling. *Launch My Magpie Nest - my craft business. *Send monthly snail mail. *Attend one, organized birding event. *Grocery shop every two weeks (instead of every two days). * Reach 250 geocache. *Reach 50 munzee. *Hike Roaring River State Park. *Go to church regularly. *Float trip! *Knit John a hat. *Knit myself a shawl. *Paint the kitchen. *Keep bedroom clean. *Plant lots of flowers. *Get family pics taken. *Make wall art for living room. *Quarterly service project. *Compete in the KC Warrior Dash. *Get below 145 pounds and maintain the loss.
If you are wondering why the 'smashing' title for my journal. Check out the following blog. Maybe it will inspire you, too. Note: I made my own smash book. First daughter purchased a 'real' smash book. While I love homemade, I also love the purchased book. I'll post pics of my Smashing 2012 throughout the year. If you smash one, too, please share your pics. :) I'd love to see them.

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