A friend recently made a comment that has me pondering.
"Kids are using facebook to share with the world the things they should be journaling to God."
It is so easy to type out a 'note' or to update our facebook 'status' with exactly what we are feeling... sharing with all who read. I wonder, are the notes and the status updates and the wall posts things that are being prayed about? Or are they just being tossed out there forgetting that God wants to be involved?
I'm guilty of that very thing. It is good to get our thoughts out... to release what is pent up... to confide in friends. It is REALLY good to talk to God about it. I'm all for sharing our hearts with our friends and being real... I just know that for ME... I want to remember to hang out with the Lord... to seek His counsel and His truth. Sometimes, just talking to Him clears up cloudy thoughts. Sometimes, talking to Him releases anger. Sometimes, talking to Him gives vision and purpose. Sometimes, life is big and hard and it takes LOTS of talking to Him to find the smallest piece of peace.
What about you? Where does your journaling heart go with all of its thoughts?
1 comment:
Hi Jennifer!!! Just catching up on some of your blog.
You know I read something awhile ago by St. Augustine, I think. If it wasn't him it was someone old, dead, and saintly.
Anywho, the part of his writing that caught my attention was something to the effect that his thoughts and meditations also functioned as prayers to God throughout his day.
For example, if there was a person or issue that we might be praying for, we could think about that person and issue and imagine lifting them up before God...kind of like reminding Him of our burdens for said person or issue (just like we do in our formal prayers). But the thing that I liked so much about this thought was that sometimes we don't always know how to pray for certain issues. We don't always have words and don't always know what the right 'answer' is to all problems. We just know we need help. It releases me a little from the guilt that I feel for not sitting down and coming up with the right words to pray. God knows what's going on in my heart and He'll know what I'm thinking. Besides it allows me to do this multiple times a day. My thoughts have actually become prayers.
That said, it doesn't mean that this kind of praying has to take the place of other forms of prayer. It just opened my eyes a little to how ''in the box" I think about God sometimes....like He'll only hear me if I pray a certain way and under certain circumstances and conditions.
I'm not sure what got me started on this comment now. Oh....It was the thought that maybe ours and others' status updates could be a form of little prayers. Maybe that's OK?
Sorry this was so long. :o)
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