Friday, February 12, 2010

I am worth it!

My oldest son, and author of shiningthroughmyownskin.blogspot, posted a message on his blog that made me think about how well I love others compared to how I love me.

I rejoice with others, I mourn with others. I speak truth and I have grace that covers imperfections. I do my best to live with 'no judgment and no condemnation.'

...and then there is me...

I condemn myself for each character flaw and imperfection. I know truth in my heart and yet... that truth is somehow skewed regarding me. I judge, condemn, and choose not to rejoice, mourn, or give grace and mercy to ME.

Yet, to others I say, "Process over perfection."

It is the process I am in. It is the process I am working through. Perfection isn't necessary or even wanted. It is a reality of heaven...not the here and now.

I am worthy of the same grace I give others... and the grace given to me by the Ultimate Grace Giver. Today, I choose to love me; to smile at myself and love being in the process.